Ritam Bhaumik

I am a Senior Researcher at the Cryptography Research Center in Technology Innovation Institute (TII), Abu Dhabi, working on Classical and Post-Quantum Symmetric-Key Cryptography.
I completed my PhD in Computer Science from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, in December 2019. In April 2024 I joined my present position at TII. From October 2022 to March 2024, I was in the LASEC lab at EPFL as a post-doc. Before that, I was on an SRP contract at Inria, Paris, as part of the COSMIQ Team; this was a continuation of the post-doc position in the same team I joined in March 2020. Earlier I've been a Research Associate at the University of Luxembourg, as part of the SnT group.
I always look forward to interacting with motivated students and young researchers. If you have something on your mind that you think might interest me, feel free to drop me a mail.